Chapter 4 Chapter-bib issues

Chapter-bib seems to ignore parts of the chicago-author-date CSL file and breaks bibliography entries by multiple authors where authors have a period in their name.

Cite John Doe’s papers (John Doe 2019, 2020). This does not suppress the author’s name for the second article.

Cite a paper by multiple authors (Able, Baker, and Dog 2001, 2002). This does not suppress the author names for the second article.

Cite a paper by multiple authors with a period in the first author’s name (Zebra, Yoke, and William 2003, 2004). This results in two entries for Zebra 2003, and a suppressed set of names for Zebra 2004 (but without the expected ——–).

If we look at the [References] section, the bibliography is rendered properly according to the chicago-author-date CSL file.


Able, Alpha, Bravo Baker, and Delta Dog. 2001. “An Entry by Multiple Authors.”

Able, Alpha, Bravo Baker, and Delta Dog. 2002. “Another Entry by Multiple Authors.”

John Doe. 2019. “John’s First Paper.”

John Doe. 2020. “John’s Second Paper.”

Zebra, Zulu Z., Yankee Yoke, and Whiskey William. 2003. “An Entry by Multiple Authors, with a Period in the Name.”

Zebra, Zulu Z., Yankee Yoke, and Whiskey William. 2003. “An Entry by Multiple Authors, with a Period in the Name.”

2004. “Another Entry by Multiple Authors, with a Period in the Name.”